Today! A new episode about irrigation premieres on Smartcherry TV

Today! A new episode about irrigation premieres on Smartcherry TV

You can't miss it!

Today is the day! At 7:30 PM (EST), the sixth episode of Smartcherry TV will premiere. This new story titled ‘Irrigation: The Productive Black Box’ features the participation of cherry production specialist advisor Carlos Tapia; Diego Humeres from the Department of Irrigation and Climate at Avium; Tomás Vicente, Regional Manager of WiseConn and member of the Board of Directors of the Trade Association for Irrigation and Drainage, Agryd; Wilhelm Gruss, Coordinator of the Supervision and Monitoring Unit of Works at the National Irrigation Commission of Chile, CNR, among others.

“We invite you to this new premiere where we will address such a relevant topic in cherry production as irrigation; we will take a journey throughout the entire season, from dormancy to post-harvest, discussing how and when irrigation programs should be modified, carrying out maintenance, and talking about technology and water infrastructure, among other aspects of irrigation,” detailed Andrea Garrido, Editorial Director of Smartcherry.

This space is sponsored by Aquadetect, AGbusiness, and GreenNetwork, and will be broadcasted through the Smartcherry TV YouTube channelStay tuned and remember that you can activate English subtitles in the video settings.


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