Specialists refer to the entry into dormancy of cherry orchards in the southern hemisphere

Specialists refer to the entry into dormancy of cherry orchards in the southern hemisphere

Watch the new episode

On May 2, a new episode of Smartcherry TV was released, which had as its central theme the entry into dormancy of cherry orchards. The Chilean advisors Carlos Tapia, Óscar Aliaga and Bruno Tapia analyzed this important process and provided relevant technical information regarding the correct onset of winter dormancy.

“The main relevance of the orchard having 50 percent of the leaves fallen near the first weeks of May is that we are going to take better advantage of the accumulation of cold in the month of May; Yes, in some years, in some areas, this accumulation of cold in the month of May cannot be so important compared to the end of the accumulation, we have to be able to comply with at least that dynamic and if there is necessary cold, the plant will do it. It will take advantage and so we do not lose this number of hours that can be very useful in a disorderly season or one with very low cold accumulation,” said Carlos Tapia, specialist advisor in cherry production and technical director of Avium.

In turn, the Agroclimatologist from the University of Talca, Patricio González, provided a complete analysis of what the next few months will be like in climatic terms and the impact that the “La Niña” phenomenon may have on cherry production.

Below you can relive the episode titled “Winter is Comming”, a space sponsored by AWS, ChemieAgro, Cogrowers, Corteva, Green Has and Nordox of UPL.


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