Chilean Cherries set to reach new export record with 59% increase

Chilean Cherries set to reach new export record with 59% increase

  • A shipment of 131,587,007 boxes of fresh cherries, equivalent to 657,935 tons, is projected, primarily driven by new plantings.
  • The industry has taken all necessary measures to prepare for a historic season.

In the presence of the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, Niu Qingbao, representing the main destination market for Chilean cherries, as well as Agriculture Minister (s) Ignacia Fernández; National Director of SAG, José Guajardo; and President of Fruits of Chile, Iván Marambio, along with cherry-producing and exporting companies, the Cherry Committee of Chile’s Fruits officially launched the 2024-25 season.

During the event, known as “Cherry Blossom,” held in Chimbarongo, the main estimates for the new season were announced, highlighting that it will be historic with a projected growth of 59% compared to the previous campaign.

“We will send 131,587,007 boxes of fresh cherries weighing 5 kilos each, equivalent to 657,935 tons, which represents a record figure for the export of Chilean cherries,” emphasized Claudia Soler, Executive Director of the Cherry Committee of Chile’s Fruits.

In this regard, Iván Marambio, President of Fruits of Chile, stated, “Cherries are now the star of Chilean fruit exports, our national pride, reflecting an industry that has been steadily growing over the past decade, now accounting for 27% of the total fresh fruit sent abroad.”

Soler pointed out that this season’s projection is based on data provided by the Cherry Committee’s partners between September 23 and October 1, 2024, so “there may be some changes during the season.” However, she anticipated a good season with favorable weather conditions.

“The last season was one of the most challenging the sector faced in terms of climate, resulting in maintained export volumes. This season, the agro-climatic conditions have been good throughout the period. Therefore, for this year, we are projecting that we will achieve the growth we did not have last season, plus the expected increases for this one,” clarified Soler.

Meanwhile, Agriculture Minister (s) Ignacia Fernández indicated, “Public-private collaboration is essential in the cherry sector and is at the heart of Chile’s agro-export strength. The cooperation between our services and cherry growers is daily, for example, in packing, where SAG teams work alongside workers to ensure our product meets the excellence in quality and phytosanitary safety that characterizes Chile.”

Increased Plantings and Shipments

The estimates presented at the “Cherry Blossom” event correspond to the increase in cherry plantings. In this regard, the Executive Director of the Cherry Committee explained that the peak of cherry plantings occurred between 2019 and 2021, resulting in significant production jumps between the 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26 seasons.

In terms of varieties, 38.3 million boxes of Santina are expected to be exported, reflecting a significant increase of 121% compared to the previous season. Additionally, 45.7 million boxes of Lapins are projected, with a 29% rise. Meanwhile, 24.3 million boxes will be Regina, with a 53% increase over the previous year, while the remaining varieties will total 23.2 million boxes.

Soler commented, “China will continue to be the main destination market for our cherries, but we will continue to diversify our exports to other markets of interest both inside and outside Asia.”

In this regard, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, Niu Qingbao, stated, “The cherry trade between China and Chile has not only benefited Chilean farmers but also brought joy to Chinese consumers. Cherries are highly regarded and preferred as gifts among Chinese consumers during the Chinese New Year season. I hope and believe that the upcoming cherry season in Chile will witness a good harvest and more benefits for both countries.”

It is important to highlight that the Cherry Committee will invest more than US$9 million this year in direct promotional actions in target markets, representing a 118% increase compared to the previous season.

“We are convinced that this is the year to launch powerful campaigns to stimulate greater purchases from our current consumers and increase new consumers. The promotion will be especially focused on China, the United States, and South Korea. We will also begin working with more resources in India—if logistics allow—and initiate a program in Brazil,” detailed Soler.


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