Ready to export? Here are some recommendations to avoid setbacks

Ready to export? Here are some recommendations to avoid setbacks

By xpd global

At xpd global fresh we know there are various risks in the export of cherries. For example, damage to fruit, connection losses or cargo that, for various reasons, could not be transported. The work of months of preparation in the garden, packaging and marketing can be compromised by a slip in the logistical plan.

One of the details that requires more attention in the cherry export process is “customs clearance” at destination.

Given the short air transit time available, we only have a few hours to get things done correctly, so it is essential that procedures are completely clear and simplified.

As your best strategic ally in perishables, we provide some fundamental recommendations for exporting cherries without vulnerabilities in the documentation:

  • Ensure that the Agricultural and Livestock Service database of the destination country is updated with the information provided by your client (the exporter) for the 2023-24 season. The phytosanitary document will be generated at the airport based on the information previously entered and cannot be modified after the cargo is dispatched from the plant.

It is preferable to carry out this process before the start of the season in coordination with the global xpd team at the airport.

  • Validate, through your logistics developer, that the signature of the legal representative of the exporter is updated and confirmed by the certifying office of origin, as well as by its subsidiary at the airport.
  • Verify that the information in the documentation, such as shipping instructions and consignee information entered in the air waybill, matches the details of the phytosanitary, the forms and the export invoice.
  • Send the shipping instructions clearly and precisely.

Recommendations on the issuance of phytosanitary products

  • In case of loss of the document (if it is not electronic), a notarial letter must be issued and sent to the corresponding entity for reissue.
  • If it is necessary to modify the phytosanitary certificate (if it is not electronic), return the incorrect certificate to the government entity at destination. Notify the corresponding service for the subsequent issuance of a Phytosanitary Cancel-Replace Certificate, subject to waiting times.

Recommendations on the issuance of certificates of origin

  • If the certificate is digital and needs a correction, this can be done by email.
  • If the certificate is not digital and needs correction, issue a reissue letter, which must be signed by the exporter. Subsequently, coordinate the return of the incorrect document to the Chamber of Commerce office.

Recommendations for preparing the AWB

  • In case of problems in the preparation of the Air Waybill (AWB), request a Cargo Charge Correction Advice (CCA) from the corresponding carrier, so that it can notify its counterpart at the destination and/or transit points. 
  • If you require special conditions, such as a Handling or Transit Certificate, be sure to notify it in advance.

The documentary process is a fundamental piece of the export process so that the entire months-long coordination is effective. Thus, the cherries will arrive at their destination in perfect condition and can be consumed immediately.

At xpd global fresh, we are committed to ensuring that your cargo of cherries is transported safely and without documentary inconveniences.

For more information on this and other topics: Contact us!


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