TPS consolidates position as main departure point for Chilean cherries

TPS consolidates position as main departure point for Chilean cherries

Shipments in 2024/25 grew 66 per cent on the previous season

A total of 354,355 tonnes of Chilean cherries were handled by Terminal 1 at the Port of Valparaíso in Chile, according to its operator Terminal Pacífico Sur Valparaíso (TPS). With shipments for the 2024/25 campaign now concluded, TPS said this represents a 66 per cent increase on the previous season, during which 213,206 tonnes went through the terminal.

In TEU’s the total this season was 26,840 TEUs, 65 per cent more than in the previous season, when 16,236 units were transported. The volume of palletised fruit was much greater, with 4,528 pallets moved versus 1,589 in the previous period, representing an increase of 185 per cent.

“As the main port of departure for Chilean export fruit, TPS stands out for its experience, efficiency and specialization, already projecting significant growth for the export of general fruit, including stone fruit and table grapes, among others,” TPS said in a press release.

Operations manager Raúl Guzmán commented: “As projected, the volumes for this season were extraordinarily high, which implied an important challenge for the logistics chain, which was up to the task and fulfilled its promise.

“We had 16 Cherry Express services, which offered the Valparaíso-China route in record time, implying rigorous preparation by all of us who participate in the Valparaíso logistics chain. We are pleased to have responded in a timely manner to our customers, thanks to a series of measures taken prior to the season and the commitment of our employees who work at our terminal every day. This is a great milestone for Valparaíso”.

A total of 37 vessels departed from the terminal with Chilean cherries on board this season, including 16 of the Cherry Express service, consolidating TPS’s position as the main departure point for Chilean cherries to Asia and other markets.


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