A few years ago, the cherry market in Italy showed us two faces, since in the southern part of the country in the “boot”, some growers took to the streets in protest, while in the north growers were optimistic when facing the new season that had begun.
“The early cherry harvest has already finished which, by nature, are softer and smaller”, the president of the Emilia-Romaña region cooperative told freshplaza.es.
In addition, the head of the cooperative contended that: “The market is reacting well, in product appreciation as well as the stability of prices, starting now we enter full harvest for 4 weeks, where we will have high-quality, good calibre cherries. Let’s say that in northern Italy we are optimistic.
On the other hand, and in regards to the protests in southern Italy, the situation in the markets became precarious because of frost damage, in addition to the fact that for two months there was talk that there would be no product due to the same problem.
“The harvest in the south is quite normal, and though the quality of our products is excellent, the competition in the national market is fierce because of the great supply”, an operator told the Fresh Plaza media.