Macfrut-Day 2: Cherry Workshop and more about fruits

Macfrut-Day 2: Cherry Workshop and more about fruits

The second day of Macfrut, the international fruit and vegetable fair, was “a boom and totally full”, according to the organization. The Rimini Expo Centre pavilions were already crowded from the early hours of the morning since many events were hosted during the day. Following is an extract on the cherry and fruit sector.

Cherry Workshop

At the Plant Nursery and Varietal Innovation Exhibition, the visitors are getting the chance to find out all about what has been achieved in the sector, and to exchange views and forge relationships with those who create and develop innovation in fruit growing.

Today one of the main Workshops was about Cherries, discussing the topics: “Cherry Times, the taste of knowledge” and “Current status and future perspectives in cherry breeding”, to finalize with “Varietal innovations in cherry”, with representatives from Chile, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy and USA.

“In addition to attending various meetings with representatives here in Europe, I was invited by Macfrut to talk about our genetic program that handles IVU varieties in Chile and the rest of the world. We are currently developing in the United States, Chile, Europe, South Africa, and probably soon in New Zealand and Australia,” detailed Alejandro Navarro, director of IVU Chile, and exhibitor at the workshop.

In this exhibition, during the three days, five refresher seminars are covering the latest results regarding genetic improvement in fruit growing: this year, the spotlight will be on varietal innovation in actinidia, cherry trees, strawberries, apple trees, and table grapes. The five workshops are complemented with direct contributions from those who create, manage, and promote varietal innovation at international level.

Marlene Ayala, academic from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, also participated in the event through a video in which she explained the progress in varietal topics from research on cherry breeding and the development of a genetic improvement program.

Promoting varieties in fruit growing

Today took place the Round Table “Promote varieties in fruit growing, between messianic expectations and piracy: a realistic approach”. The discussion focused on creating a system at the national level in all areas of the supply chain, from producers to certification organizations, and up to the final stage in distribution, to continue effectively and efficiently in the fight against varietal piracy.

Several stakeholders in the agri-food and certification sector who participated in the discussion highlighted the importance of protecting intellectual property related to genetic material for the purpose of varietal improvement.

The two round table discussions on the international plant nursery business took place on Wednesday and today, the topics included were nursery product certification and qualification, the forms of protection in place for plant patents, varietal clubs and modern programming techniques in the fruit sector, new breeding technologies used to create innovation, and the research and development of new techniques in the plant nursery sector.

Images source: Macfrut website


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