Macfrut consolidates as a point of reference for innovation and sustainability in the horticultural and agricultural sector. The International Fair of the horticultural sector, which will take place in Rimini from May 8 to 10 with a series of cutting-edge events on various topics, consolidates as an event dedicated to this sector. Here it will be possible to explore the latest trends and establish contacts with world leaders in the sector.

Among the main novelties of this year’s program is the Agrovoltaic Exhibition, organized in collaboration with KEY – The Energy Transition Expo, the flagship event of IEG (Italian Exhibition Group) on energy transition. It is the first time that such a comprehensive exhibition on the horticultural sector focuses on the combination of agricultural production and photovoltaic energy. The exhibition will be an opportunity to explore the opportunities offered by agrovoltaics and agrisolar, central themes on the agenda of modern agriculture. Through a combination of an exhibition area, technical tables with sessions presenting specific projects, and conferences, the event aims to raise awareness of these new possibilities among agronomists and sector operators, while also promoting more sustainable business models from an economic and environmental point of view.
Another key moment of Macfrut 2024 will be the Biosolutions International Event, the international exhibition dedicated to natural solutions for plant defense, nutrition, and bio-stimulation. Four will be the cardinal axes of the Biosolutions International Event: an exhibition part in the south pavilion, at the entrance of the fair, with the presence of more than 60 companies from around the world with their biocontrol, bio-stimulation, and special nutrition products; the Biosolutions International Congress, the international congress scheduled for Thursday, May 9, where this year the theme “Which Biosolutions to use to obtain quality cherries?” will be discussed; the Biosolutions Innovation Award, the award for fair products with strong innovative characteristics; and technical tables, reserved for exhibitors, focused on the main needs related to tomatoes for the industry, cherries, potatoes, apples, and pears. The coordination of the area is carried out by Agri2000, which has seen the attendance and interest in this exhibition grow exponentially.

Finally, in its third edition, Spices & Herbs Global Expo returns, the only European exhibition dedicated to spices, medicinal herbs, and aromatic herbs. This year the event will focus on a broader international dimension, with the participation of buyers from 13 countries on 4 continents. This commitment to attracting a wide range of sector agents demonstrates the growing importance of the fair as a global meeting point for the aromatic and medicinal plants sector. In addition to the exhibition part, the program includes a “botanical by-products gallery,” an area dedicated to herb processing technologies, and the return of the Fippo Forum. The area is coordinated by FIPPO (Italian Federation of Medicinal Plant Producers), Erboristeria Domani, and Cannamela.